Natural SEO

Social media agency

Searchbooster is a Content Marketing agency in Paris specializing in SEO that has the particularity of working on all digital levers and on the redesign and development of all types of showcase and e-commerce websites.

We are one of the few medium-sized agencies that are truly specialized in digital marketing and can deal with SEO, SEA, social media, content marketing, as well as designing and producing showcase websites, e-commerce sites, and native iOS and Android PWAs and apps.

We work long-term with and for our clients for all their Content Marketing needs.

One of the peculiarities of our agency is to be specialized in producing SEO-optimized marketing content mainly for the web.

These contents produced by us are intended to be put online either on your website or in your native or PWA apps, on social networks, via newsletters and emailing, and especially to generate visits, engagement, and conversions depending on the type of support.

Definition of editorial strategy and content strategy

We assist you in defining your editorial and content strategy by first taking the time to listen to you and examine your current documents to fully understand your activity, your positioning, and the editorial tone that fits your competitive environment and objectives.

This systematic exchange allows us to work with you to define the digital channels to activate, the content creation actions to implement, and the appropriate calendar that integrates the themes to address.

Thus, we offer you a content marketing strategy adapted to your challenges and needs, and above all to your business objectives.

The particularity of our approach is to ensure that the semantic field used will be effective, meaning it is relevant to your objectives and also significant in terms of search volume by internet users on search engines.

For this, we use numerous paid software tools that will allow us, once the themes have been defined with you, to estimate the traffic potential of the content to be produced based on the chosen keywords.

Once the content to be produced has been defined with you, we offer you an editorial calendar that includes:

The titles of the content to be produced,
The tone and editorial angle,
The keywords to be included,
The number of optimized words,
The level of semantic complexity of each text to be produced,
The associated budgets,
The content validation/revision procedures.

These texts can then be produced by you and subsequently optimized by our teams using our optimization tools, or they can be directly produced by our writers.

Our writers are specifically chosen based on the nature of the topics they will be covering, and then optimized by our SEO consultants to ensure that they appear prominently in search engine results.

We can produce all types of content by relying on our extensive network of specialized writers who work for us on a per-article basis, guaranteeing the originality of each piece of content produced.

Production of SEO-optimized blog articles and website pages

We produce for you blog articles and website pages optimized for SEO. To achieve this, we use our structured methodology to give you the best chance of being well-positioned in Google search results in France, thanks to premium content. 

Each time we write a new page or blog article, we first conduct an analysis using Semrush, Keyword Everywhere, Ahrefs, and other SEO software to identify the keywords to be positioned in metadata and those to be included in the content produced by us.

production d'article de blog

In some cases, we will recommend that you conduct a semantic audit to perfectly target the competitive themes to be addressed in the articles to be produced. This will allow us to offer you an optimized site plan and create new pages for you.

Then, we provide a briefing to several specialized writers on the topic of the article, indicating:
  • the title of the page or article,
  • the length of the article,
  • the tone and editorial angle,
  • the keywords to include,
  • the desired number of words,
  • the article delivery deadline.
Once the article or page is produced by the specialized writer, we proofread the content to ensure it is of high quality and optimize it by including:
  • the Hn tags,
  • internal and external anchor and back-links,
  • bold and highlight
  • new keywords if necessary.

We also refine the content to match the target semantic complexity level defined by our tools. 

Then we add royalty-free or paid illustration images, or those provided by you according to your wishes.

Finally, we write the optimized URL of the page, the meta-description, the title tag and, depending on the agreements made with you, deliver the optimized content to your administrator or directly proceed with its addition to your website.

articles de blog

Production of motion design animation

Once your brief is integrated by our teams, including:
  • Understanding your objectives,
  • Your graphic charter,
  • The type of animation desired, voiceover, music,
  • The level of complexity and customization desired,
  • The desired duration(s) of the animation and its intended use,
  • The budget,
  • The deadline,
  • The available content (logos, images, sounds, music if applicable),
  • The desired format(s).
We will send you a detailed script proposal with the flow of the animation and most importantly, the proposal of the soundtrack and subtitles if necessary. Once the script is approved by you, we prepare the storyboard, which includes the main screens of the motion design, the integration of subtitles and soundtrack, and the graphic universe for your approval. Once the storyboard is approved, we move on to production to deliver the different versions of the animation.

Production of motion design animation

Nous réalisons tous types de vidéos (vidéos courtes 30 secondes pour les réseaux sociaux, interviews, mise en avant de lieux commerciaux et bureaux, captation d’évènements, présentation produits…).
Pour vous accompagner nous prendrons d’abord le temps de discuter avec vous de votre projet, des objectifs des vidéos, du contenu envisagé, du lieux de tournage, de l’angle éditorial.

Nous vous proposerons ensuite un devis détaillé incluant selon vos besoins :

We produce all types of videos (short 30-second videos for social media, interviews, highlighting commercial and office locations, event coverage, product presentations…). To assist you, we will first take the time to discuss your project, the video objectives, the content envisioned, the shooting location, and the editorial angle.

We will then provide you with a detailed quote including, according to your needs:

  • Project conception and scripting
  • Script and storyboard if necessary
  • Team set-up
  • Equipped cameraman with camera, microphone, tripod, and audio wiring
  • Full HD or 4K camera
  • Lighting with torches or LED panels
  • Interview(s)
  • On-site shooting (office, establishment, etc.)
  • Outdoor shooting
  • Assembled cutaway shots
  • Video duration edited according to your wishes
  • Insertion of logo, creation of logo, images, backgrounds, added animations
  • Insertion of text
  • Transcription of audio with subtitles for the edited video
  • Subtitling (speaker subtitled)
  • Royalty-free music, paid music, or customized music
  • Delivery of digital file in desired formats
  • Production of posts and content for social media
tarifs motion design

Creating logos, defining graphic charter

Our designers are able to create a logo from scratch after understanding your brand’s attributes and the brand image you want it to convey. We can also integrate and adapt your logo within a graphic charter that precisely defines how your logo should be used depending on the type of media, the font types used, associated colors, black and white versions, monochrome, inverse, and more. 

Once we have perfectly understood your needs, we will offer you a turnkey, unique, and original logo in various formats so that you can use it on all types of media (website, letterhead, business cards, favicon, social networks…).

We can offer you an affordable simple logo with a choice of several creative ideas, then refine it with you with a determined number of iterations, or organize a logo contest with several dozen designers working on the basis of our brief developed with you.

Once one of the creative ideas is chosen, we develop the logo until it fully satisfies you and perfectly meets your expectations.

In any case, we transfer full ownership of your logo to you, and you can use it without any restrictions.

Inbound marketing strategy

Inbound marketing is one of our specialties and involves attracting visitors to your website through content that is optimized for both the reader and search engine robots. The advantage of this approach is to have a pull marketing strategy that responds to the questions and concerns of Internet users that you are likely to answer.

Inbound marketing allows us to implement all of our skills in content management, SEO, and web development.

To do this, we will activate all of our content management skills, as listed below, and can also offer you the development and design of the website(s) that will allow you to implement your inbound marketing strategy.

We can produce a white paper on your activities or areas of excellence for you, in collaboration with your teams, to be shared after registering on your mailing list, and then accompany you in your leads nurturing strategy by providing you with CRM solutions adapted to: 

  • Track and trace incoming leads
  • Track the conversion funnel regardless of your business model
  • Automate the sending of targeted and personalized emails
  • Generate outgoing SMS campaigns
  • Implement elaborate marketing automation scenarios
  • Grow your mature leads pool to generate conversions.
  • Monitor customer satisfaction to evaluate your NPS and collect positive customer reviews.
  • Implement referral campaigns with your satisfied customers.
inbound marketing
Once we have integrated your feedback, we schedule the publication of the content on the relevant networks and then regularly provide you with a detailed progress report on the results achieved, including:
  • Number of views
  • Shares, likes, comments
  • Clicks
  • Leads obtained
  • Conversions, if applicable.
Feel free to consult Searchbooster, a specialized agency in content marketing and editorial strategy, to support you in your marketing strategy and its full 360° implementation.

Branding Astral