Quelle est la différence entre SEO et SEM ? by Searchbooster

What is the difference between SEO and SEM?

SEO, SEA, SEM, SMO… These are all acronyms from digital marketing that refer to concepts, each with their own specificities.

Definition of SEM: Search Engine Marketing

The SEM, corresponds to all marketing methods that can be applied to improve the visibility of a website on search engines. By definition, SEM therefore includes SEO, the inverse not being true. SEO is only one of the means of improving the visibility of a website on search engines like Google. In SEM, in addition to SEO, we use: – search engine advertising (SEA) – advertising on search engines (paid referencing); – social media optimization (SMO) – optimization of social media. – social media advertising (SMA) – advertising on social networks (Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, …) SEM is therefore the grouping of different techniques and tools used in digital marketing, rather than a technique in itself.

Definition of SEO: search engine optimization

SEO concerns only all the steps taken to improve the natural referencing (also known as organic results) of a website in search engines. It is free referencing to be better positioned in the search engine results. Each search engine determines the organic ranking of each website through complex algorithms (often little known in detail). But since Google accounts for more than 90% of traffic in France, the most important thing to increase visibility is to activate all SEO levers to attract Google’s robots and improve the positioning and reputation of a site.

The main differences between SEO and SEM

Here are the main differences between SEO and SEM: – SEM brings short, medium and long-term results, SEO rather in the long term; – SEM often requires a significant financial investment, SEO less so; – Despite rumors indicating that SEM also allows for better positioning on non-organic traffic, this is challenged by specialists, while SEO, thanks to good quality content, allows to influence the quality score of its pages and thus improve its positions in SEA; SEM allows not necessarily to touch the structure of the website (one can simply launch campaigns through Google Adwords) even though it is recommended, whereas SEO necessarily requires it to be truly effective.

SEO or SEM: how to choose?

It’s better to ask a different question: what are the most relevant digital marketing techniques for my website, considering my budget and objectives? Here are several possible scenarios: If I have a small budget, but enough time to self-train and implement things myself, and I’m not in a hurry for results, then SEO is for me. I can learn with little or no monetary investment but a significant investment of time. I can make changes myself by modifying the structure of my website, via a CMS or directly modifying the code. If I have a significant budget and want fast results. There’s no hesitation: SEM is for me. I should consider hiring a web agency or other provider to supervise Adwords campaigns, manage my social networks, and implement other digital marketing techniques, unless I’m an expert. I can do some SEO myself, or if I want truly effective results, delegate the entire process of improving my website’s ranking. If I want short- or medium-term results but don’t have much cash. Ideally, I should implement SEM, with work in SEO, SEA, and SMO. But if my budget doesn’t allow it, I can focus on SEO and SMO, delegating the management of my social networks, for example, to a freelance community manager or agency. I can do the SEO myself (provided I learn how). Primary sources: * SEO Google: Getting started with SEO, 2020. https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/7451184?hl=en CommentCaMarche, Google SEO, 2020. https://www.commentcamarche.net/contents/1267-referencement-naturel-seo-guide-pratique-complet#mots-cles SeoBook, 2020. http://www.seobook.com/blog * SEM SEO.fr, 2020. https://www.seo.fr/definition/sem-seo-sea-smo Elsa LE MORVAN Digital Project Manager

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