Do you want to generate qualified traffic on your website and increase its visibility on Google to be on the first page?

Writing blog articles is currently one of the most effective ways for the natural referencing of your site to develop and with it the traffic of Internet users interested in your favorite subjects.

However, you will have to face a double constraint, namely to write for the readers and at the same time for the indexing robots of the search engines?

For this two key skills, the first to perfectly master your subject and bring real added value to the reader and the second to understand how search engines work in order to give your text every chance of being well indexed.

An important point: you will have to agree to share your know-how with the public… But you will see that instead of them stealing your know-how to implement it alone, you will on the contrary generate incoming calls from Internet users wishing to call on your recognized expertise.

By the way, if you don’t have the time or the inclination to write, you can call on us after discovering how our SEO web copywriter team proceeds to use the most effective SEO writing techniques in 2019 by clicking on the button below or you can follow our one-day DigiClass training in SEO optimized writing or click here to  have your SEO optimized articles written by Searchbooster

Discover now our 5-step content writing method:

1/ Preparation

a/ Definition of persona

When you write an article you need to define precisely who you are addressing and more precisely the targeted persona or if you prefer the archetype of the prospect to whom you are targeting your content. Example: A 30-year-old investor, executive, married, living in the Paris region and wishing to invest his savings without taking any risk and without blocking it for more than 10 years.

b/ Choosing the keyword to target

The principle is that a blog article is intended to allow you to be well referenced on a keyword (which can be a series of words called a long tail) and that it is therefore fundamental that after having defined a persona, you choose the keyword carefully through thorough keyword research. This will allow you to find a keyword that is the subject of a large search volume in order to maximize the potential for visits to your site thanks to this keyword. Because being on the first page on a keyword that no one is looking for will not bring you any traffic.

To help you, several tools exist which allow you to know what are the trends in volume of requests for a keyword or an expression such as

c/ Choice of subject

Once your keyword has been chosen, you will have to choose your subject around the keyword and for this Google Trends or can be very useful to you in order to make sure that the chosen subject is promising. and corresponds to a strong center of interest of your future readers.

d/ Establishment of the plan

One of the ways to build your plan, once you have chosen your keyword and your subject, is to launch a search on Google to see how the plans of articles well referenced by Google are structured in terms of web content and to inspire without obviously plagiarizing the content concerned and by bringing additional added value to readers.

2/ Writing

a/ Optimization of the article title

One of the key elements of your article is its title, which must imperatively contain your target keyword if possible in its first part and which ideally must not exceed 70 characters in order to have a chance of being displayed in full.

This title should ideally be formulated in the form of a question in order to be in the best position now to respond to requests expressed in voice form with SIRI, Alexa or Google Home, to name but a few.

Don’t forget that the title of your article may be different from that of the web page, also called the URL, which will be displayed next to your “title” tag.

b/ Presence of an attractive hook

Remember to write in the first 3/4 lines of your article an attractive hook, containing your target keyword and motivating to make the reader want to read the article by imagining what benefits he will derive from this reading or what problems you will find there. help solve.

c/ Legibility of the body of the text

Also remember not to favor the content to the detriment of the form by using airy and readable fonts, with a contrasting color making it easier for the Internet user to read. Keep sentences short, with clear paragraphs and clearly labeled headings to make your content easier to read online.

d/ Wealth of content

Always remember to bring unique added value and to differentiate yourself from each quality content already indexed on the first page by providing either fresher and up-to-date information, or a new angle, or more details and a more in-depth approach. Never forget that the content is reread in some cases by readers paid by Google to estimate the interest of your text and assign it in some cases a score influencing its ranking in the results.

3/ Optimization

Body text optimization

Once your text is finalized, you will need to optimize it by including keywords that make up semantic cocoons around your targeted keyword. Once your cocoons have been created, remember to insert the keywords from your cocoons into your text.

Creation of metadata

Once your text has been finalized and optimized, you will have to create your metadata in order to facilitate the indexing of your content by search engines. Among these metadata, you need to create a meta description, a title tag, a URL, Hn tags (one H1 per page and then H2, H3 etc), alt attribute tags for your photos and so you will have done an optimization for search engines by including your keyword in each given meta as well as the keywords forming the semantic cocoon of your subject.

Format optimization

Think about your format (length of your text neither too short nor too long) in particular by counting the number of words appearing in the 10 best results on your subject in the search engines and make sure that at least you are at least so long. Be clear and concise and make sure you have an optimized layout for SEO web writing but also for mobiles or tablets.

Integration of an internal link

Remember to put internal links in your content to other pages of your blog on the same subjects as well as to external sites dealing with the same subjects and authoritative, avoiding of course those of your competitors.

In general, add a hypertext link every 100 words at least.

4/ Distribution

Diffusion on search engines

Once your text is finalized go to your searchconsole and request the indexing of content by Google and do the same on Bing, Yandest, Baidu, Qwant for example.

Posting on social networks

Then prepare a post highlighting the title of your article with a powerful image and your teaser as well as a link to your blog page. Remember to put # so that your content is distributed in the discussion groups relating to the chosen Hastags.

Then post your post on Linkedin, Google My Business, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook but do not put the article on social networks but only a link to the article and understand that social networks will not distribute the post to all your contacts but only to some chosen by the algorithm.

Sending an e-mail

Send a newsletter to your contacts with a striking photo, the title of the article and its catchphrase and a link to the page of your blog containing the article.

Optimization for conversion

Include call to action (CTA) in your article from the first third of your text by offering to fill out a request for information or to subscribe to your newsletters in the form of a clickable button or a link to your contact page. And offer the same thing again at the end of the article so that the reader who wants to go further with you can simply do so.

5/ The update

Content review

Remember to regularly update your content by updating and/or enriching it.

Sharing on social networks

Once the content has been revised or updated, consider publishing a post indicating the update on social networks.

Results analysis

Regularly analyze the KPIs of your article (number of visits, unique visitors, bounce rate, reading time, source of traffic, etc.) and improve the content if necessary.

Content refresh.

Remember to update your content and old SEO content every year, for example by changing the year in the title. Also use this method for your product sheets if you wish.

That’s it, all you have to do is proceed with the creation of the content of your article taking into account our SEO writing advice or ask us to do it thanks to our offer of turnkey articles integrating this approach or then go and spend a day at DigiClass to follow our “SEO Optimized Copywriting” module.

Olivier MAURIN/ CEO and Founder of Searchbooster/

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